
The Full Story

The Beauty of Saratoga Project (BOSP) is a collaboration of students and community-based grassroots organizations dedicated to documenting and sharing the family histories and stories of understudied racial and ethnic communities in Saratoga, CA and in Santa Clara County. Through these narratives, we celebrate diversity and grasp the essence of Saratoga, molded by the complex interplay of settler colonialism, immigration, and agriculture, and shed light on the resolute endeavors to forge a path towards a future fostered by the spirit of community building and unwavering activism.

The project’s objective is fourfold: 1) to empower understudied communities to tell their stories through history and help community members, especially youth, understand how they and their families have shaped their societies; 2) to create an archive of histories to enrich the study of U.S. History curriculums in Saratoga; 3) to train students on the methods, theories, and interpretations for reporting history; and 4) to work toward documenting the relationships between the Bay Area and surrounding racial and ethnic communities as they are being built.

Santa Clara, situated on the ancestral lands of the Ohlone people, has a history deeply rooted in rebuilding. Despite its predominantly urban landscape, the county derived its name from the Spanish-established Franciscan mission in 1777. Known as the "Valley of the Heart's Delight," the region's horticultural past and economic growth are reflected in its numerous orchards.


Over the years, Santa Clara County has witnessed a steady influx of migrants, many of whom were displaced by the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. Its journey towards scientific and commercial advancement began with the end of the Gold Rush, fostered by collaborations between Stanford University professors and the burgeoning tech industry. Additionally, a growing military presence prior to World War II further shaped the county's reputation for pioneering research and technology development, spanning various fields from computer engineering to biotechnology.


Various neighborhoods within Santa Clara County have become vibrant communities for different ethnic groups. The West of Morgan Hill and Gilroy neighborhoods have been settled by migrants from Mexico and Latin America, while Southern and Eastern San Jose are home to Filipinx and Yokuts communities. Cities like Saratoga and Cupertino stand out for their diverse demographics, with people of color, particularly Asian Americans, comprising the majority.


Through this project, the focus is on elevating these communities' histories, which are often overlooked or overly scrutinized in academic circles. A crucial consideration lies in ethically portraying the complexity of their lives, transcending the confines of conventional academic disciplines. By centering these communities as narrators of their own stories, the project affirms their invaluable role as creators and guardians of knowledge, allowing their unique histories to come to the forefront.

About the Founder

Lynn Dai is a senior at Saratoga High School with a deep-rooted connection to her community. Having attended all Saratoga schools and grown up in a historical home, she developed a profound interest in the history of the town's people, houses, and places. As the Editor-in-Chief of The Saratoga Falcon, her high school newspaper, Lynn thrives on covering compelling stories and pressing issues that directly impact her community. 

Beyond her journalistic pursuits, Lynn is also a traditional Chinese watercolor artist and enjoys creating watercolor and oil paintings that depict the captivating Saratoga landscape and its diverse inhabitants. In addition to her work in journalism, this project was partially inspired by a Chinese watercolor painting with the same name. Through her 8-month process designing the 12-foot painting, Lynn explored the relationships between different parts of her city history, family stories, and personal experiences. 


Grateful for the unwavering support from her fellow community members, who shared their stories and helped her recognize the beauty in diversity, Lynn hopes that The Beauty of Saratoga will help members of her community, especially youth and people of color, recognize how they have helped shape the culture of Saratoga and fostered a more inclusive and harmonious society. 


All information and artwork on this site are created and written by Lynn Dai unless attributed otherwise.